I’ve been in practice since 2013 and have always been interested in seeing babies in my practice. I completed full training with the ICPA & became CACCP pediatric and perinatal certified while I was pregnant with my second baby. I soon became the go-to pediatric chiro in my town. But with my own breastfeeding struggles and seeing so many families with similar struggles I knew there was more to learn so I enrolled in a program to become an international board certified lactation consultant. Since launching Courses for Chiros, so many moms have reached out to me asking if they could take the course too. The Infant Adjusting and Breastfeeding Assessment course is just for chiros and chiro students, but this did inspire me to create a brand new course for moms with everything they need to know to breastfeed (coming soon). It’s like having a lactation consultant in your pocket. I love chiropractic, and I love our philosophy even more; that our innate intelligence is the guiding force in our bodies to adapt and thrive. I’ve been published in magazines, submitted case studies for peer review publication, and also host continuing education workshops and chiro philosophy meetings, so ya know, chiropractic is kinda my jam. Whether you’re a chiro, a mom, or both, these courses are created with intention, honor, holistic care and a whole lotta love!